
a psychological process中文什么意思

发音:   用"a psychological process"造句
  • 心理作用
  • psychological:    adj. 心理学(上)的;精神(现象)的。 psycho ...
  • process:    vi. 〔口语〕排队走,列队行进 〔procession ...
  • psychological process:    心理过程
  • psychological visual process:    心理性视觉过程
  • psychological:    adj. 心理学(上)的;精神(现象)的。 psychological warfare 心理战。 the psychological moment 【心理学】心理上的适当瞬间;〔口语〕最适当的时机;紧要关头。 adv. -ly
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  1. Reading is a psychological process of acquiring information from the written language
  2. Creative imagery is a psychological processes in which people create new images independently according to certain purpose and task rather than the ready - made description
  3. From the psychological point of view , volitions a psychological process where one establishes a goal in self - awareness , distributes action and then faces , conquers difficulties to achieve the target
  4. From the psychological point of view , volitions a psychological process where one establishes a goal in self - awareness , distributes action and then faces , conquers difficulties to achieve the target
  5. Apart from the parts of introduction and conclusion , this paper has another four chapters . chapter 2 discusses the essentials of reading , the definitions of reading existing in the minds of different people , and analyzes their advantages and disadvantages , thus the author select one definition which is appropriate to this thesis : reading is a psychological process of acquiring information from the written language . it involves thinking with regard to the understanding of what one reads , not only the surface meaning of words and sentences , but also the implied meaning and the relationships between sentences in the context



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  6. a psychologist 什么意思
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  9. a pub1ic company 什么意思
  10. a public character 什么意思


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